
With macOS 15 the System Policy Control command line tool at: /usr/sbin/spctl was updated deprecating a swath of options related to manipulating Gatekeeper databases and the assessment subsystem. Options like --global-disable, --add, --remove, etc are “no longer supported” according to the man page. Instead Apple suggests using configuration profiles to make these changes. Additionally, we’re given a few new options which can help the user modify the system policy from within the “Security & Privacy” pane of “System”.

Finally, a few of the databases backing Gatekeeper have relocated slightly from macOS ≤14 → 15.

Do the depreciated spctl options still work?

Unfortunately not — instead Apple is instructing users to leverage MDM / configuration profiles instead. When attempting to to disable assessments at the command line with --global-disable we’re given the following error:

This operation is no longer supported. To disable the assessment subsystem, please use configuration profiles.

Similarly, we can try adding a new authority with the --add switch and we’ll be given a similar error message:

This operation is no longer supported. To add an authority, please use configuration profiles.

Querying the global state of the assessment subsystem

<aside> ℹ️ If this file does not exist then assessments are enabled. The plist will be created when the state changes.


We can can use the following to validate that the system’s assessment state did not change or of course spctl -v status.

≤ macOS 14

/usr/bin/defaults read /var/db/SystemPolicy-prefs.plist enabled

≥ macOS 15

In macOS 15 the location of SystemPolicy-prefs.plist has changed